It’s as Easy as Pie… Describe Your Project. We’ll Give You A Number You’ll Like. HiddenNext Steps: Sync an Email Add-OnTo get the most out of your form, we suggest that you sync this form with an email add-on. To learn more about your email add-on options, visit the following page: ( Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form.Company Name(Required) Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email PhoneAddress(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Please select the service(s) you require...(Required) Video Production Web Design Printed Material Design (Brochure, ad, retail displays, etc...) Copywriting or Script Development Photography Marketing Consulting and/or Creative Planning Pricing Plan Option(Required) Bronze Plan ($125 open rate / hour) Silver Plan ($100 / hour for 15 hour monthly commitment) Gold Plan ($85 / hour for 30 hour monthly commitment) Please describe the project in detail.